Friday 6 March 2015

Instant messaging changed the ways we communicate with others

Since advanced technology development,today we enjoy lots of thing whereas our grandparents lived without the thing we have today especially the smartphone.

In the past, when people want to talk with others only either face-to-face or by phone. However time passed things had changed. Instant messaging is gaining popular today,it  is not only young adults use this function but also middle- aged people even the elderly they are love to use this. For example, my grandmother already 70 years old, she always uses her IPad and 'WeChat' me. I am quite surprised about this, you know many elderly are refuse and afraid to use those electronic product because of the complicated function. By the way,there's no denying instant messaging can narrow the distance between my grandparents and me, because we living in two different city, I seldom to visit and call them. Instant messaging become a great communication tool to us.

Remember when I was 15 years old, I always hold my cellphone to chit chat with my friends. At that time,i had a monthly mobile plan which is including 1500 call minutes without any cellular data and I never use WiFi. 1500 minutes never enough for me, I usually over the limit and paid an expensive charges. I really forgot how can I over the call minutes limit but didn't use any cellular data and WiFi. In contrast, I have a plan that including 1500 call minutes and 1GB cellular data now. However, I never used that much call minutes.I only consumed about 100 minutes but i usually exceeded the limit of cellular data. The main reason is instant messaging replace directly call. I believe this situation was happened in most people.

1 comment:

  1. Binfer instant messaging does not store your message on external servers. It is completely free. The site is
